Sessão 60 – 11 de Julho de 2023
PCs: Nisha, Stoltz, Myrtha, Zenos, Zanthus, Mihai
Lutamos contra hounds de Lamashtu, matamos todos.
Seguimos pelos corredores de névoa. Achamos um local com 3 camaras unidas por paredes desabadas. Paredes cheias de inscrições em sangue.
Primeiras runas:
Runas do templo de Lamashtu:
Achamos mais algumas passagens secretas e algumas camaras. Algumas runas:
Runa das três Câmaras:
Seguimos pela outra parte da neblina, outra sala de runas. Uma parte do grupo fica na paranoia. As runas dessa sala:
Achamos uma passagem secreta, seguimos. Achamos uma pena do escriba, muito mágica, associada a uma emoção de descoberta. Encontramos o corpo do outro guarda. Embaixo tem o scroll de magia. Falamos com o corpo. Parece que ele estava perguntando sobre o rei de Varisia. A pena é um artefato, chama-se Revelation Quill.
Lembramos que perto do storval stairs tem um lago onde as pedras parecem estatuas. Em Rimeskull. A região é evitada pelas pessoas de Varisia, a tribo que morava lá foi dizimada por um dragão.
Pegamos os corpos dos soldados para levar de volta para a cidade.
Descobrimos mais sobre o escriba tb:
Near the end of the Thassilonian Empire, a man named Xaliasa commanded one of Alaznist’s Hellstorm Flumes—one of several defensive fortifications along the border between her empire and that of Karzoug. Xaliasa was given much freedom in how he ran his Hellstorm Flume, as long as he continued researching methods of producing and perfecting sinspawn for Alaznist’s army and maintained the defensive line against invaders from Shalast to the east. Yet Xaliasa served another—he had succumbed to greed and, in secret, Karzoug bought his allegiance, transforming him into a double-agent of sorts. In his role as defender of the Hellstorm Flume, he also served Karzoug with regular reports on Alaznist’s troop movements.
Further complicating Xaliasa’s life was his devotion to a third master—Lamashtu herself. As his role as a double-agent grew more demanding, Xaliasa grew more distressed and more insane. His true loyalties increasingly lay with Lamashtu, and he foresaw a point in the near future when his treason between Alaznist and Karzoug would place him in great danger.
Xaliasa’s answer was to use, in secret, his contacts with both runelords to discover the way to Runeforge, perhaps the only safe place where he could retreat if either runelord decided he was no longer of use. Discovering the secret to entering Runeforge was no easy task, but only a few days before the empire was destined to fail, Xaliasa made the discovery. When Thassilon collapsed and the world shook and the oceans swallowed Alaznist’s empire, Xaliasa’s plans for escape proved inadequate. He had planned for the wrath of one, perhaps two runelords, and was ill-prepared for the rage of an entire world.
The supportive wards that protected all of Thassilon’s monuments and attendant complexes from erosion and decay kept many of the chambers below the Hellstorm Flume intact, but only barely. Xaliasa had the misfortune to be in one of the rooms that collapsed—and with his death he took from the world one of the secret ways to enter Runeforge.
Ten thousand years later, Xaliasa’s insane spirit awakened again with the surge of magical energies from the minor runewell near his lair. And now that Lamashtu has brought him back fully, the resurrected thaumaturge is eager to reestablish his rule in a world seemingly emptied of runelords. Only the fact that his life is now bound to this shrine has kept him from emerging into Sandpoint above to claim it for his own. Given a short amount of time, however, he can build enough minions to do that job for him.
In his new manifestation as a divine guardian, Xaliasa has become something more than human. Now closely attuned to Lamashtu herself, his mind has become even more warped and twisted. He no longer sees himself as an independent agent of Lamashtu, but instead as her incarnation. His voice speaks her will and his hands scribe her laws and desires. Yet over the 10,000 years his soul has lain dormant, Xaliasa has fallen far behind on his patron’s wishes. He now spends nearly all of his time recording the wisdom of Lamashtu on any surface available. Given his limited mobility and lack of empty pages, Xaliasa has turned to the walls of his shrine, decorating them with countless scriptures and prayers and invocations to the Mother of Monsters. He is transforming her shrine into her holy text, and when he has completed this task, he will turn his attention to the world above.
In his new incarnation, he has become the Scribbler.