The Skinsaw Man

Sessão 18 – 2 de Agosto de 2022

PCs: Nisha, Myrtha, Zenos, Zanthus

Lutamos com os Ghasts. Depois com goblins Ghast. Seguimos Iesha até uma sala onde ela está lutando com uma criatura horrível com as roupas do Aldern Foxglove. 

Iesha rainha da luta mata o Aldern com ajuda do Zanthus. Nisha e Zenos comem um mofo nojento. Revistamos a sala e o corpo. Alguns itens magicos. Duas chaves. Uma carta endereçada pro Aldern.


You have served us quite well. The delivery you harvested from the caverns far exceeds what I had hoped for. You may consider your debt to the Brothers paid in full. Yet I still have need of you, and when you awaken from your death, you should find your mind clear and able to understand this task more than in the state you lie in as I write this.

You shall remember the workings of the Sihedron ritual, I trust. You seemed quite lucid at the time, but if you find after your rebirth that you have forgotten, return to your townhouse in Magnimar. My agents shall contact you there soon—no need for you to bother the Brothers further. I will provide the list of proper victims for the Sihedron ritual in two days’ time. Commit that list to memory and then destroy it before you begin your work. The ones I have selected must be marked before they die; otherwise they do my master no good and the greed in their souls will go to waste.

If others get in your way, though, you may do with them as you please. Eat them, savage them, or turn them into pawns—it matters not to me.

—Xanesha, Mistress of the Seven

Com a carta, achamos uma lista de nomes, incluindo as vítimas que encontramos com as marcas. Nossos nomes e outros como o Xerife estão na lista tb.

Seguimos de volta carregando o corpo do Aldern. Encontramos mais Ghasts. Lutamos.

Nossa teoria: Aldern devia dinheiro para os Brothers. Xanesha pagou a dívida mas ele ficou devendo para ela. Ela pediu para ele os fungos, mas foi contaminado, virou morto vivo e começou a fazer os rituais.